Monday, May 29, 2006


Medicos collect money to fight

The Youth For Equality (YFE) has held five rallies in support of their cause (anti-reservations) where they have raised money from students and faculty. However, they have no written record of the money collected, as it is not a registered organisation.

Any organisation related to a social cause needs to get registered at the charity commissioner’s office in order to function legally.
As it is unregistered, the YFE is not allowed to collect money and its receipts don’t have any legal value.

“We can’t give a definite figure for the money collected,” said YFE spokesperson Gunjan Kumar Sharma. However, IIT student and YFE member, Amit Sowani, said that the organisation collected more than Rs 2 lakh at its Azad Maidan rally held yesterday.

Mobile bills
However, members have admitted to using part of the funds to pay mobile bills. “We constantly call the media and mobilise people. Our bills are high and so we use the funds,” added Sharma.
The money has been collected for publicity, printing banners, posters, pamphlets and rally-related expenses. The money is put in drop boxes placed at colleges and rally grounds.

Government speak
Said S P Dhumal, charity commissioner (Mumbai), “The YFE must get registered before collecting money or issuing receipts. They can be granted temporary registration within a few days, but if they want long-term registration, they will have to wait a month.”
He added that the YFE could be liable for prosecution if it collected money or issued receipts before registration was complete.

Too busy to register
“We have been too busy to register,” said Sharma, adding, “We’ll do it soon and also open a bank account in YFE’s name.”
Said Dr Ashish Tiwari, Indian Medical Association (IMA) convener, “The IMA has warned the YFE to register themselves. However, the children are inexperienced and have not realised that the money they are collecting, can get them into trouble.”

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